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Sunday 8 November 2020

Unreal: Human Form

I watched a horror short film titled:

Human Form by Doyeon Noh, published by Alter.

Full Video

It lingering in my head and I can't get rid of it
This short film can be interpreted in a literal way
There is clear direct messages and there is some hidden elements
It is indeed metaphor lies on it

Let us put into several points

1. What shaped her mind?

The film started by a little girl (Inhyung)
drawing a weird face and the mother acknowledged her artwork and hanging it on the wall with other indistinguishable drawing in line
Kids drawing image for some reasons
Either they obsess of it, they curious of it or they have been dreaming of the object every single day in their own imaginary world
As the storyline passed by, the conjecture is revealed
The curtain slowly flapping and the true picture coming into the surface
The images she sketched in her young age probably the result
of seeing some similar face everyday
Most of the people she met having that weird symmetrical face
That's why during her young age, she came out with all similar sketching
What she saw everyday, seems a flash card moving in front of her eyes
Kids doesn't amend anything
She sketch the first hand memory in her head
Can we control kids' mind?
We can and we cannot
We can control what they can see
What the cannot see
What they can play
The things kids shouldn't exposed to
But we can't control what they can imagine
In this case, the sketch is not her imagination but that is what she saw everyday.

The way her family refuse to let her doing the surgery to be same like theirs's, is so ironic
They are the one whom responsible of shaping her mind since kid 
Kids are like plain canvas
The parents should put color on it
If they didn't want Inhyung to be like them, they shouldn't do it at the very beginning 
Some parents refrain their kids from doing something but they didn't walk the talk

Her mom contempt Inhyung's wish and mentioned that she should use her own money to take the procedure
I'm unsure is it the money, matters here
Well I think, her mom has another reason
What do u think about the possible reason?
🤔 I have no idea 
But whatever it is, it's too late too amend Inhyung's whole mind.

2. Which normal and which is abnormal?

As the film using Korean language, we can conclude, apparently, it delivers some well known stigma(exactly fact) about how rampant the plastic surgery has been practiced in Korea
I once watched a documentary about plastic surgery in Korea and the content stating something like....
After semester break, normal student around the world probably discussed and praised each other on how beautiful their new dress, shoes and bag are. How captivating their physical body changed to be slimmer after dieting. Or even hearing some complaints of the classmates getting sun burn and tanned skin after a trip to island

But in Korea, the discussion usually about something else.
"Your jawline seems smaller"
"U got a nose job done too? It is so on point"
"Your nose bridge looks sharper"
"Which specialist hospital u went? I want to do my double eyelid procedure too"
The beauty
and plastic surgery is normal

Seeing how anxious Inhyung want to alter her visage to be similar as her acquaintance's, her friend's, the doctor's and the people she met
We can tell that her face is simply beautiful with almost perfect complexion and nothing to be alter anymore 

But in this film, I then doubt
From audience's view, we see the weird face is abnormal and Inhyung having normal face
But in her world, it's like, a swap mindset
The beauty standard is something else
The altered weird face considered normal and her natural visual is abnormal
Instead of other people feel ashamed, but she's the one feeling odd of being different
Inhyung want nothing but to mold herself into that normal culture because 


In fact, we have being raised in a way that normal people experienced
The culture evolves as the time passed by
No one dictate the culture
We are placed into some particular ways and we just there, 
follow the usual path the elderly took 
Sometimes we forgot to figure out why we wanted to do something
Is it because we really have good intention or we did it because it is a normal culture

Sometimes, questioning it make us look outdated
Why questioning when we can just follow 
For instance, having social media account and sharing our life thru it, consider as a normal culture
When everyone started to share something in social media, we want to do it too
People share happiness and keep updating with friends and family via social media
But when sharing their life in social media, people having volatile reasons 
Some did it to entangled themselves to public 
Some did it for no freakinnn reason but attention
Some did it to share enjoyment 
Some others did it to prove their enjoyment
Some did it with no intention of showing off but they did it just because 


Here's a thing
Having social media accounts is normal thing
That's why, when I heard people doesn't have social media but do have smart phone and internet coverage, I feel nothing but amaze
How cool they are driving in opposite path
We can't explain how could something turned normal or abnormal at the first place

We just live in it.

3. Obsession 

The reason why Inhyung sketched the weird face during childhood could also because the affection towards that kind of faces, preoccupied in her mind
Kids or adult are like that
When we want something, we tend to mention it over and over again or else, we visualized it
In this modern era, people screen captured it and save the image in our smartphone
We did it with a belief mind set that we can get it soon or later
Sketching the face is the very first symptom showing how obsessions started to mount in her
She drew the image even until she reached teen age
It is indeed a long yearning ever since kids
Remember when she walked unsteadily at the alley, she then bumped into a guy with that weird faces and how apprehensive, self-doubting she was, to have a abnormal face unlike others

The anxious she had, the whole distress seems like she has been plagued by the desire to changed
The obsession to fix her natural face arising when seeing her close friend did it as well
She then met the research doctor without hesitation and without thinking of the consequences

Favoring something is normal
Obsession is another thing
It could turn into "wise" or "worse"
Depend on the thing that we obsessed to and how far the obsessions lead us to
That is how obsessions affect us

Inhyung could be "us"
She is a metaphor of a human being who
having obsession to fit into accustomed culture but trapped into a hazy thinking

Either to be real or unreal.
Either to follow or u turn.

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